a multitude of random thoughts + some serious ponderings + a little bit of creativity = a collection of my scribbles :)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

May 6: You

When you meet a person, do you ever connect their name with a distinguishing physical characteristic they have? Sometimes I do. It makes it easier to remember people and their names. So, I started thinking about what characteristic other people might connect with my name. What makes my Spanish professor from freshman year of college still remember my name when she sees me around campus? How do people remember me?

For me, I'm pretty sure it's my hair.

Almost every time I meet someone new, they will comment on my hair. I guess a lot of people don't keep their natural curls anymore, so I may be a bit of an oddity. People always ask, "Are those natural?"

So, maybe it's these little springs that make people think of Megan. I don't know if this is true or not, but I have to say, I sure love my curls. And despite the frizz and the "humidity 'fro," as I like to call it, I wouldn't change them one bit. Sure, I've temporarily straightened my hair a few times just for kicks, but at the end of the day, I'd much rather go curly.

My curls are definitely me since I've almost always had them and I'm not sure what I would do with straight hair! Just ask my sisters. I'm terrible at styling straight hair! Curls are so much more forgiving.

So, here's how I see me: I'm a curly girl, and a curly girl I will always be!

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